Where you aware that the results of a 2014 5-years census revealed that 10,400 children in Massachusetts are raised by their grandparents? In 2018, Massachusetts addressed this issue by establishing the Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (the Commission). The Commission has been instrumental in providing resources to grandparents in Massachusetts who find themselves in this often challenging position.
What Does the Commission on the Status of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Do?
Acts as a unifying force between grandparents in similar circumstances
Encourages sharing of information between agencies, organizations and others
Acts as a liaison between private and government organizations which address the issues of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren in Massachusetts
Advises legislative and executive arms of the Massachusetts government as to how legislation may affect grandparents in this caregiving role
Right to Counsel
One area of interest to grandparents who find themselves in the role of raising their grandchildren in Massachusetts is the newly passed bill (July of 2020) which grants grandparents the right to a court-appointed lawyer in certain aspects of a guardianship case. This is a major development in grandparents rights in Massachusetts as it, in some cases (particularly where the grandparent is able to demonstrate that they have been the primary caretaker of their grandchild for a period of at least 2 years) allows the grandparents to receive a FREE attorney to assist them through portions of the guardianship case. A free attorney is one less expense that most cash-strapped grandparents can take advantage of. Contact the court clerk at your local district court for more information.
Available Resources
Support Groups
Perhaps one of the most important resources aside from financial assistance is the use of a support group to learn the ropes as to how to navigate as a grandparent raising your grandchildren in Massachusetts. The Commission website has a map which will show you the many support group locations throughout the Commonwealth.
Temporary Assistance to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC)
Child-only grants may be available to grandparents who have already been appointed as a guardian of their grandchild (children). The Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) is the resource that you will want to contact to learn more about which benefits are available to you. A side benefit to those who qualify for a Child-only grant will also be eligible to receive a Card to Culture EBT Card which allows reduced admission to cultural events throughout Massachusetts.
In addition to the Child-Only grant and the Culture EBT Card, grandparents or relative caregivers may also be eligible for a childcare voucher which can be accessed at the DTA office.
Supplemental Nutritional Assistance or SNAP benefits may also be available to you under certain circumstances. These benefits involve money or vouchers for food to assist you in feeding your grandchildren…if you have growing boys you will immediately realize the benefit of assistance in this area! Apply for these benefits at the Department of transitional Assistance as well.
Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
Where a grandparent may be caring for a child under the age of 5 in Massachusetts, WIC may be available. WIC is a program which allows grandparents to take advantage of free nutrition education, other services and most importantly free food to grandparents in some circumstances. Call 1800-942-1007 for more information on WIC.
Social Security Survivor/Disability Benefits
Where a child has lost either parent (deceased), survivor benefits may be available to that child via the Social Security department. Where a grandchild suffers from a mental or medical disability, the grandchild may qualify for disability through the Social Security Department. Apply for benefits at www.ssa.gov/planners/survivors/howtoapply.html.
The MassHealth program may allow your grandchildren to qualify for other public health and medical benefits and are worth investigating by contacting mass.gov/MassHealth.
When You Make Too Much Money
Many of the aforementioned programs are income based. When you make too much money you may not qualify for benefits as a result. Although I always suggest that people investigate these options, there are times where a grandparent raising a child in Massachusetts may need an attorney and fall short of having a low enough income to qualify for free counsel in a guardianship case. Or, a grandparent or caregiver may require the services of an attorney to assist with another matter. Contact attorney Gaudet for assistance if the areas of Family or Child Welfare Law for more information at 978-273-8337.
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