Divorce Lawyer for Men or Women in Massachusetts?
It is common for a client thinking about divorce and choosing an attorney to represent them in the divorce to make that choice based upon the attorney that promises to deliver them the most. Many attorneys write articles and ads which claim to provide gender specific assistance, that is, divorce legal counsel aimed at providing the best results for men or the best results for women. While it is true that being a man or woman does make a difference in terms of the statistical outcome of the divorce, in reality, each circumstance varies widely and must be treated uniquely. Our attorney will spend the time to understand your unique circumstances irrespective of gender to arrive at the best possible outcome for you in a Massachusetts divorce.
Please do not misunderstand my point, I am not claiming that no difference exists in the outcomes or concerns that a man or woman may face in a divorce. I am claiming, however, that there are no cookie cutter “I am a divorce lawyer for men” or “I am a divorce lawyer for women” claims in a Massachusetts divorce because no two Massachusetts divorces are alike.
The Heart of the Matter – Assets
While there are many aspects of a marriage that a Massachusetts Probate and Family judge takes into consideration when dividing assets, at the heart of the issue in just about every divorce is asset division. Massachusetts takes the position that assets are to be divided equally among the couple seeking a divorce…a phrase known as ‘equitable division of assets.’ Judges in Massachusetts consider the division of assets in terms of being equitable. It is important to understand that equitable does not mean equal. In other words a Massachusetts Probate and Family Court judge is not necessarily going to divide marital assets right down the middle. The devil is certainly in the details in asset division.
Types of Marital Assets
Stock Options
Any stock, be the stock personal or company stock will be of interest when considering asset division and the equitable distribution of assets in a Massachusetts divorce. Our attorney will want to gain a complete picture of any and all of this specific type of asset.
Real Estate
Residential, commercial, industrial, land and any other form of real estate held in Massachusetts or abroad will be of particular interest in the development of a total asset portfolio that will serve as the subject of asset division and equitable division in a Massachusetts divorce.
Business Assets
Cash accounts, cash equivalent accounts, accounts receivable, and even inventory may be of interest in a divorce in Massachusetts. You will provide a thorough list to the best of your knowledge of these assets and we will dig deep in the discovery process leading up to the divorce trial to accumulate evidence in into these asset types.
Intellectual Assets
Copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets and other forms of intellectual property will be of interest in a Massachusetts divorce.
Retirement Plans
IRA’s, 401(k) plans, pensions, income annuities, cash-balance plans and other retirement based assets may be the subject of asset division in a Massachusetts divorce. We will want to accumulate a list and description of each of these assets by type and value so that these assets can be understood in the context of divorce and asset division.
Persuasive Legal Arguments for the Man or the Woman
Our attorney will take the time to understand the amount of care that you have given the children, possible sacrifices that you have made to help your spouse achieve their personal or financial goals, money that you have invested in the purchase of a home or other property, and many other factors that affect the financial life.
Your gender aside, our attorney will focus on your input to and sacrifices in the marriage. The legal arguments formed by assessing what you have put into the marriage will be used against the other side or as support of your position. You will provide our attorneys with a thorough review of not only your financial life, but of your behavior – your blood, sweat and tears so to speak. These facts can go a long way to demonstrating to a judge in a Massachusetts divorce just what impact you have had on the marriage.
Call Our Offices for a No Cost Consultation and Intake
Call our attorney at 978-273-8337 or email him at rgaudet@gaudetlawoffice.com to get started if you are seeking divorce in Massachusetts.
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